Parking Garage Repairs & Maintenance

Parking garages endure a lot of wear from exposure, especially if they’re in use year round. Parking garages are exposed to deicing salts, structural movement, and physical stress from cars, so it’s crucial to have regular maintenance and take preventative measures to ensure the structure’s safety. RTI’s waterproofing, restoration, and maintenance solutions are customized based on each client’s unique needs, and we’ll ensure your parking garage is properly maintained, protected, and up to code.

Our Parking Garage Restoration Services include:

  • Concrete Rehabilitation
  • Traffic Membranes
  • New and Remedial Caulking
  • Expansion Joints
  • Penetrating Sealers
  • Crack Repairs
  • Shot Blasting
  • Power Washing
  • Epoxy Injections
  • Carbon Fiber Reinforcement
  • Sandblasting and Coatings